The numbers from 1-10 in Māori
Ngā Tau = The numbers
The numbers from 1 to 10 in Māori are:
- 1 – tahi
- 2 – rua
- 3 – toru
- 4 – whā
- 5 – rima
- 6 – ono
- 7 – whitu
- 8 – waru
- 9 – iwa
- 10 – tekau
Here we can see the numbers from 1 to 9 at a playground in New Zealand.
Notice how on this piece of equipment at the playground they didn’t put a macron (a line) over a vowel of one of the numbers.
Do you know which one?
Yes, it the number four. It should say WHĀ.
This means the letter Ā at the end is a long A which means that it is pronounced longer than normal… Whaa.